By Walleye Hunter |

Bull Shoals Lake is a popular destination for walleye fishing, and understanding the seasonal food targets for these fish can help anglers increase their chances of success. Walleye are opportunistic feeders, and their diet varies depending on the time of year and the availability of food.

In the spring, walleye typically feed on small baitfish, such as shad and minnows. These fish are more abundant in the shallower water, so walleye will often be found in the bays and coves of Bull Shoals Lake. Anglers can use a variety of baits to target walleye in the spring, including live bait, jigs, and crankbaits.

As the water warms in the summer, walleye will move to deeper water. They will still feed on small baitfish, but they will also start to target larger prey, such as crayfish and leeches. Anglers can use a variety of techniques to target walleye in the summer, including trolling, casting, and bottom bouncing with night crawlers.

In the fall, walleye will start to move back to the shallower water in preparation for spawning. They will again feed on small baitfish, and they will also start to target larger prey, such as smallmouth bass and panfish. Anglers can use a variety of baits to target walleye in the fall, including live bait, jigs, and crankbaits.

By understanding the Seasonal Food Targets For Walleye, anglers can increase their chances of success on Bull Shoals Lake. Here is a more detailed look at the food sources for walleye in each season:


In the spring, walleye are primarily feeding on small baitfish, such as shad, bluegills, and minnows. These fish are more abundant in the shallower water, so walleye will often be found in the bays and coves of Bull Shoals Lake. Anglers can use a variety of baits to target walleye in the spring, including:

  • Live bait: Live bait is one of the most effective bait for walleye in the spring. Anglers can use minnows, shad, or even small crayfish.
  • Jigs: Jigs are another effective bait for walleye in the spring. Jigs can be tipped with live bait or artificial bait, such as soft plastics.
  • Crankbaits: Crankbaits such as Flickershads can also be effective for walleye in the spring. Crankbaits can be used to cover water quickly and find active walleye.


As the water warms in the summer, walleye will move to deeper water. They will still feed on small baitfish, but they will also start to target larger prey, such as crayfish and leeches. Anglers can use a variety of techniques to target walleye in the summer, including:

  • Trolling: Trolling is a great way to cover water and find active walleye in the summer. Trolling with crankbaits, swimbaits, or spoons can be effective.
  • Casting: Casting is another effective way to target walleye in the summer. Anglers can cast to points, drop-offs, and other areas where walleye are likely to be holding.
  • Bottom fishing: Bottom fishing can be effective for walleye in the summer. Anglers can use live bait or artificial bait, such as soft plastics, on the bottom.


In the fall, walleye will start to move back to the shallower water in preparation for spawning. They will again feed on small baitfish, and they will also start to target larger prey, such as smallmouth bass and panfish. Anglers can use a variety of baits to target walleye in the fall, including:

  • Live bait: Live bait is still one of the most effective bait for walleye in the fall. Anglers can use minnows, shad, or even small crayfish.
  • Jigs: Jigs are another effective bait for walleye in the fall. Jigs can be tipped with live bait or artificial bait, such as soft plastics.
  • Crankbaits: Crankbaits can also be effective for walleye in the fall. Crankbaits can be used to cover water quickly and find active walleye.

By understanding the seasonal food targets for walleye, anglers can increase their chances of success on Bull Shoals Lake. By using the right baits and techniques, anglers can catch walleye in all four seasons.